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Comparative Study on Security and Privacy Issues in VANETs - 2021

Comparative Study on Security and Privacy Issues in VANETs

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


Vehicular systems are getting a noticeable exploration field inside the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and qualities of giving elevated level road security and upgraded traffic models. Numerous remote communication innovations are sent to deal with and upgrade the traffic framework. The ITS is fit for offering various types of assistance to the traffic specialists and careful steps to the drivers and travelers. A few techniques are discussed for talking about the security and protection issues for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). There lie incredible difficulties with regards to data demolition as the vehicles habitually sharing Basic security messages with each other in which a portion of the messages are basic. They get a magnificent arrangement of consideration from analysts around the globe since they are new innovations and that they can improve road security and upgrade traffic stream by using the vehicle is assets and communication framework. In this paper, a comparative study is done on various mechanisms for providing security and privacy to the vehicles and data also. The comparative analysis is very helpful to the users to select the best model for getting security and privacy.


Author(s) Name:  

Journal name:  Cloud and IoTā€Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Wiley


Volume Information: