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Safety and efficiency control protocol for highways using intelligent vehicular networks - 2019

Safety and efficiency control protocol for highways using intelligent vehicular networks

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


Several emergency cases negatively affect the traffic safety and efficiency over highway roads. Un-expected areas of traffic congestion are usually caused by the occurrence of an accident, existence of a damaged vehicle, or the appearance of an emergency vehicle. These scenarios have safety considerations regarding the involved vehicles in the event of emergency. However, the effect of these cases on surrounding vehicles is usually restricted to the parameters of traffic fluency and efficiency. However, in extreme scenarios, nearby vehicles may become involved in the emergency, such as in a chained accident. In this paper, we first aim to investigate the possible emergency cases over the highway roads. Secondly, we study the effects of these cases on the surrounding traveling vehicles, based on the relative location of each vehicle from the detected case, and the speed and moving direction of each vehicle. Third, we introduce a recommendation protocol that provides the most appropriate response to each vehicle in the vicinity of the detected emergency case. Reducing/increasing the vehicles speed, changing the traveling lane, and completely stopping the vehicle are the most popular responses in these scenarios. From the experimental results, we can see that the proposed protocol has increased the traffic fluency in the vicinity of the emergency cases over highways. It decreases the delay in vehicles traveling time and increases the throughput of each lane compared to the typical highway protocol. Moreover, it has increased the safety conditions for vehicles and decreased the percentage of vehicles to become involved in accidents.


Author(s) Name:  Maram Bani Younes,Azzedine Boukerche

Journal name:  Computer Networks

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Elsevier B.V

DOI:  10.1016/j.comnet.2019.01.016

Volume Information:  Volume 152, 7 April 2019, Pages 1-11