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Trust Management and Security Solutions for Vehicular Networks

Trust Management and Security Solutions for Vehicular Networks

Great PhD Thesis on Trust Management and Security Solutions for Vehicular Networks

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


    VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks) consist of vehicles capable of exchanging information by radio to improve road safety (alerts in case of accidents or in case of abnormal slowdowns, collaborative driving…) or allow internet access for passengers (collaborative networks, infotainment, etc.). Road safety messages exchanged between vehicles may be falsified or eliminated by malicious entities in order to cause accidents and endanger people life. In this thesis, we focus on defining, designing and evaluating a security solution for V2V communications in VANET, to ensure a secure communication and a good level of confidence between the different participating vehicles.
   Adopting a group-based model, we consider the Trustworthiness evaluation of vehicles participating in VANET and we develop a Trust Model to analyze the behavior of the vehicles in the group while preserving the privacy of the participants and maintaining low network overhead. We then propose a hierarchical and modular framework for Misbehavior Detection and Revocation Management

Name of the Researcher:  Hamssa Hasrouny

Name of the Supervisor(s):  Abed Ellatif Samhat

Year of Completion:  2018

University:  University of Libanaise

Thesis Link:   Home Page Url