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The Wired Neighborhood

The Wired Neighborhood

Great Research Book in The Wired Neighborhood

Author(s) Name:  Stephen Doheny-Farina

About the Book:

   The book offers a critical perspective on virtual reality and its social impact, showing us how people meet and converse on the net, how they teach and learn, and how they establish workplaces that can accompany them wherever they go. Along the way this book shows the advantages and hazards of making the computer the center of our public and private lives.
   Are communication technologies ushering in a wondrous new age of computer networks that connect people into worldwide virtual communities of like-minded individuals? Or are global computer networks isolating us from real relationships and from our society, as we stare into a screen instead of interacting face to face? In this eloquent and thoughtful book, Stephen Doheny-Farina explores the nature of cyberspace and the increasing virtualization of everyday life. He occupies a middle ground between these two extreme views of the net, arguing that electronic neighborhoods should be less important than geophysical neighborhoods in all their integrity, and that we must use the new technologies not to escape from our troubled communities but to reinvigorate them.

ISBN:  9780300067651

Publisher:  Yale University Press

Year of Publication:  1996

Book Link:  Home Page Url