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Trending Literature Survey Papers in Artificial Intelligence

Trending Literature Survey Topics in Artificial Intelligence

Trending Artificial Intelligence Literature Survey Papers

   Artificial Intelligence (AI) is complex interdisciplinary research that federates many research fields, and it has grown enormously in a broad range of applications and proven as a new tool for technology culture. The main aim of AI is to facilitate systems with intelligence capable of human learning and reasoning. natural language processing, data mining, machine learning, and deep learning are the subfields of AI.
   AI has become a prominent area of research and rapidly increasing in all fields such as engineering, science, education, medicine, business, accounting, finance, marketing, economics, law, and many others. Existing literature surveys present state-of-the-art artificial intelligence in an integrated, concise, and elegantly distilled manner to show the experiences in the field. This list provides literature survey papers of AI on a broad review of recent developments and their applications.

List of Latest Topics for Literature Survey in Artificial Intelligence