Step by Step Obtain the Switch Information on MiniEdit
Description: Openflow Switch comprises one or more flow tables and a group table that accomplish packet lookups and forwards a secure and safe OpenFlow channel that communicates between controller and OpenFlow switches. Each flow table in the switch contains a set of flow entries that permit the devices to audit incoming packets based on assured filed and take assorted actions according to the contents of the packet information(intelligence) that has been received. Flow entries match the packets in priority order, with the first matching entry in each table being correlated. The instructions associated with the specific flow entry get executed if a matching entry is inaugurated. If no match is found, the outcome depends on the switch disposition: the packets may be forwarded advancing to the controller over the OpenFlow channel, dropped, or continue to the next upcoming flow table. To obtain the Switch information on Miniedit, users must follow the given sample, which is listed below :
In the simulator of MiniEdit, construct a straightforward network topology.
a)Start the simulation.
b)The root user in a new terminal and inputs the password.
c)You may connect to switch s1 and view its information using the command below.
d)Ovs-ofctl show s1
e)Switch s1 has three interfaces.
f)Each interface displays the MAC address along with other information, such as the current state of the switch.