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A Cooperative Quality-Aware Service Access System for Social Internet of Vehicles - 2018

A Cooperative Quality-Aware Service Access System for Social Internet of Vehicles

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


Because of the enormous potential to guarantee road safety and improve driving experience, social Internet of Vehicle (SIoV) is becoming a hot research topic in both academic and industrial circles. As the ever-increasing variety, quantity, and intelligence of on-board equipment, along with the evergrowing demand for service quality of automobiles, the way to provide users with a range of security-related and user-oriented vehicular applications has become significant. This paper concentrates on the design of a service access system in SIoVs, which focuses on a reliability assurance strategy and quality optimization method. First, in lieu of the instability of vehicular devices, a dynamic access service evaluation scheme is investigated, which explores the potential relevance of vehicles by constructing their social relationships. Next, this work studies a trajectory-based interaction time prediction algorithm to cope with an unstable network topology and high rate of disconnection in SIoVs. At last, a cooperative quality-aware system model is proposed for service access in SIoVs. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.


Author(s) Name:  Zhaolong Ning,Xiping Hu,Zhikui Chen,MengChu Zhou,Bin Hu,Jun Cheng and Mohammad S. Obaidat

Journal name:  IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/JIOT.2017.2764259

Volume Information:  Volume: 5, Issue: 4, Aug. 2018