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A robust forwarding node selection mechanism for efficient communication in urban VANETs - 2018

A robust forwarding node selection mechanism for efficient communication in urban VANETs

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


In an urban VANET scenario, more number of obstacles like buildings or other roadside constructions are present. For these obstacles, the radio propagation may get affected which leads to poor network performance. To deal with this situation, a new approach is required which is primarily contingent on an obstacle avoidance algorithm, capable of finding the optimized shortest path, along with a potential forwarding vehicle selection strategy to route the packets efficiently. As a solution, this paper proposes a robust forwarding node selection mechanism for efficient communication between vehicles. For this, at first a path is selected avoiding the obstacles with the help of Delaunay Triangulation. Then that path is optimized by removing Torricelli points, priorly placed inside the Delaunay Triangulation. After that a forwarding zone is selected in that optimized shortest path. On that forwarding zone, a robust node is selected using fuzzy logic for efficient data dissemination. Extensive simulation results disclose that the proposed solution outperforms the present methods with respect to throughput, PDR, end-to-end delay and hop-count.


Author(s) Name:  Chinmoy Ghorai and Indrajit Banerjee

Journal name:  Vehicular Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  ELSEVIER

DOI:  10.1016/j.vehcom.2018.10.003

Volume Information:  Volume 14, October 2018