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An Advanced Fitness Based Routing Protocol for Improving QoS in VANET - 2020

An Advanced Fitness Based Routing Protocol for Improving QoS in VANET

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


The vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is the one Ad-hoc network in wireless which establishes sufficient communication between the vehicles. Improving the quality of service (QoS) in VANET is one of the demanding and crucial processes in recent days. For this reason, various routing protocols, such as proactive and reactive ones, are developed in the present works. Even though it still lacks because of limitations like reduced energy, packet delivery, throughput, and increased delay. Due to these shortcomings, an advanced protocol with reactive routing known as the fitness based ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (FBAODV) will be introduced in the proposed work with the novel computation of received signal strength indication along with the normal steps found in AODV like distance, velocity, mobility, direction. The functioning stages involved in this proposed work will be network formation, neighbour discovery, fitness function estimation, and routing process. After forming the network with a set of wireless nodes, the routes will be discovered between the source node and destination node by broadcasting the Hello message packets. Then, the nearest neighbouring nodes will be identified by calculating the Euclidean distance. Here, the fitness function considered is estimated by selecting the reliable nodes based on the parameters of QoS. Consequently, the routing process will be established by finding the cost for the routing paths that had been deployed earlier. By using this cost value, the reliable communicating nodes will then be selected for the packets export from the source to destination. During the network simulation, various performance measures will then be taken into account to evaluate our proposed FBAODV protocol. Also, we prove the efficiency by comparing it with other traditional protocols.


Author(s) Name:  B. Suganthi,P. Ramamoorthy

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-020-07361-8

Volume Information:  volume 114, pages 241–263 (2020)