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DFEMD: Delay Tolerant Fast Emergency Message Dissemination Routing Protocol - 2021

DFEMD: Delay Tolerant Fast Emergency Message Dissemination Routing Protocol

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


In vehicular ad-hoc network, vehicles are move very speedy thus their topology is changing frequently and intermittent connectivity occur often. The intermittent connectivity network (delay and disruption-tolerant network) resulting is end to end path is absent. In this intermittent network connectivity areas, during emergency event occurs, emergency rescue message (Example: Fire, Accident, etc.,) are sent to a rescue team is most necessary. Due to these constraints, general ad hoc protocol approaches is not suitable and, as a result, alternative protocol must be deliberated. This leads to the make a specific protocol mechanisms able to deliver both fast and trustworthiness in-order delivery emergency message needed. Thus we introduce the DFEMDR protocol, it follow the vehicular delay tolerant network (VDTN) common technique store carry-forward method and message replicas. This paper describes an efficient Delay tolerant Fast Emergency Message Dissemination Routing Protocol, called DFEMD routing protocol. This protocol enables in VDTN, the source node broadcast an emergency message to all available node in its communication range. The source node allocates a message replicas and message time to live to the neighbour nodes (forwarded node) based on that node has credence value. Credence value is calculated to all nodes based on two values; the first value is visited level estimation, it is calculated based on the number of nodes previously visited by the node. The second value is Destination Reaches Level Estimation (DLE); it is calculated based on the number of times the node successfully delivered the message to the destination. Finally, each node credence value is calculated, from this visited level and destination reaches level estimation values. Finally, the trust authority received emergency messages and evaluate the trustworthiness of message based on message reputation value or message confidence value.


Author(s) Name:   G. Santhana Devi & M. Germanus Alex

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-021-08600-2

Volume Information:  volume 120, pages 3071–3093 (2021)