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Data Recovery in Cloud using Forensic Tools - 2018

Data Recovery in Cloud using Forensic Tools

Research Area:  Digital Forensics


Rapid adoption of the cloud services has changed the usage of cloud services for various purposes by customers. Customers might face with data lose in cloud at some point due to intentional deletion, unintentional deletion or device failures. So, can we use the current forensic tools to recover the data which is lost in the cloud? In this paper, we would like to evaluate whether recovery of the data using the forensic tools is possible or not. If it is possible, how they are supposed to use these applications to recover their data. We will illustrate with one of the tools to recover the data. For that purpose, we will be mainly using a tool which supports memory analysis and reconstruction on any of the devices to extract the data and its format. In our experiments, we were able to recover almost 97.49 % of deleted images from Yelp photo data-set.


Author(s) Name:  Jayachander Surbiryala; Chunming Rong

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis (ICCCBDA)

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/ICCCBDA.2018.8386533

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