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Multimedia Forensics: discovering the history of multimedia contents - 2016

Multimedia Forensics: discovering the history of multimedia contents

Research Area:  Digital Forensics


Multimedia Forensics is devoted to analyse digital multimedia contents such as photo, video and audio in order to produce evidences in the forensics domain. Specifically Image Forensics focuses on investigating on still images by analysing the authenticity and integrity of data (Forgery Detection) and by reconstructing the history of the image itself since its acquisition (Image Ballistics). In this paper, a survey on image ballistics and forgery detection methods will be covered by presenting the most recent and promising approaches.


Author(s) Name:  Sebastiano Battiato, Oliver Giudice, Antonino Paratore

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies

Publisher name:  ACM


Volume Information:  Pages 5–16