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A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Three-Factor Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks in Internet of Things - 2021

A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Three-Factor Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks in Internet of Things

Research Area:  Internet of Things


The Internet of things is playing more and more important role in smart healthcare,smart grids,and smart transportation,and using wireless sensor network (WSN),we can easily obtain and transmit information.However,the data security and users privacy are the biggest challenges for WSN because sensor nodes have low computing power and low storage capacity and are easy to be captured,and wireless networks are vulnerable.In 2021,Shuai et al.proposed a lightweight three-factor anonymous authentication scheme for WSN. However,we found that their protocol is vulnerable to stolen-verifier attack, modification of messages attack,and no perfect forward secrecy.Then,a new three-factor anonymous authentication scheme using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is proposed.Through informal and formal security analyses,our scheme can resist various known attacks and maintains low computational complexity.


Author(s) Name:  Qi Xie ,Zixuan Ding,and Bin Hu

Journal name:  Security and Communication Networks

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Hindawi

DOI:  10.1155/2021/4799223

Volume Information:  Volume 2021