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Geographic location based secure, dynamic and opportunistic RPL for distributed networks - 2021

Geographic location based secure, dynamic and opportunistic RPL for distributed networks

Research Area:  Internet of Things


Routing Protocol (RPL) for Low power and Lossy Networks is one of the most trusted routing mechanism for IPV6. Unfortunately, in recent times RPL is facing several issues, while coping with the rapid advancements in networking and the paradigm shift towards IoT. There exist several security vulnerabilities in RPL, as well as other performance related concerns due to the need of scalability, resource constraints and mobility requirements. In this paper we discuss some of these issues in detail and introduce a Geographic Location-based Secure, Dynamic and Opportunistic routing protocol for point-to-point communication. The proposal has been extensively simulated within the Contiki Cooja environment and applied within an innovative IIoT Additive Manufacturing system.


Author(s) Name:  Manali Chakraborty, Alvise Spano, Agostino Cortesi

Journal name:  Ad Hoc Networks

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  ELSEVIER


Volume Information:  Volume 123