The IoT standardization discovers the security holes in the system and shrinks the gaps among the protocols to help the IoT system reduce the overall cost of the produced data. Hence, IoT standardization is essential to accomplishing welcomed protocols globally and specifications for accurate interoperability among devices and applications. The utilization of IoT standards assures interoperable and cost-efficient data solutions and paves more opportunities to innovate new application areas. The main IoT standardizations are platform, connectivity, killer applications, business model, and challenges of IoT. Numerous IoT standards are accepted worldwide owing to the technological achievements in IoT. The IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n specifications based Wi-FI standards, IEEE 802.15.4 specification based Zigbee, and 2G/3G/4G mobile broadband standards-based GSM/LTE networks are the most familiar examples of the IoT standards. The Wi-Fi is mainly utilized in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), whereas the Zigbee is employed for low rate wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs).
The IoT technologies have become pervasive in various smart applications and an integral part of human life. The IoT consists of sensors with the capability of Internet connection and improves human lifestyle. Smart applications explore the IoT devices to monitor the environment, communicate with each other, and react to changes in their environment. The IoT standard defines a method for secure data communication and interoperability between IoT devices, where tiny sensor devices can interoperate, regardless of underlying communication technology. Mostly, these IoT devices apply RPL in the network layer and CoAP and MQTT to communicate at the application layer.