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Operating Systems for Internet of Things Low-End Devices: Analysis and Benchmarking - 2019

Operating Systems For Internet Of Things Low-End Devices: Analysis And Benchmarking

Research Area:  Internet of Things


In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), billions of wirelessly connected embedded devices rapidly became part of our daily lives. As a key tool for each Internet-enabled object, embedded operating systems (OSes) provide a set of services and abstractions which eases the development and speedups the deployment of IoT solutions at scale. This article starts by discussing the requirements of an IoT-enabled OS, taking into consideration the major concerns when developing solutions at the network edge, followed by a deep comparative analysis and benchmarking on Contiki-NG, RIOT, and Zephyr. Such OSes were considered as the best representative of their class considering the main key-points that best define an OS for resource-constrained IoT devices: low-power consumption, real-time capabilities, security awareness, interoperability, and connectivity. While evaluating each OS under different network conditions, the gathered results revealed distinct behaviors for each OS feature, mainly due to differences in kernel and network stack implementations.


Author(s) Name:  Miguel Silva; David Cerdeira; Sandro Pinto; Tiago Gomes

Journal name:  IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/JIOT.2019.2939008

Volume Information:  Volume: 6, Issue: 6, Page(s): 10375 - 10383