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A Survey on Deep Learning based Methods and Datasets for Monocular 3d Object Detection - 2021

A Survey On Deep Learning Based Methods And Datasets For Monocular 3d Object Detection

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Owing to recent advancements in deep learning methods and relevant databases, it is becoming increasingly easier to recognize 3D objects using only RGB images from single viewpoints. This study investigates the major breakthroughs and current progress in deep learning-based monocular 3D object detection. For relatively low-cost data acquisition systems without depth sensors or cameras at multiple viewpoints, we first consider existing databases with 2D RGB photos and their relevant attributes. Based on this simple sensor modality for practical applications, deep learning-based monocular 3D object detection methods that overcome significant research challenges are categorized and summarized. We present the key concepts and detailed descriptions of representative single-stage and multiple-stage detection solutions. In addition, we discuss the effectiveness of the detection models on their baseline benchmarks. Finally, we explore several directions for future research on monocular 3D object detection.


Author(s) Name:  Seong-heum Kim and Youngbae Hwang

Journal name:   Electronics

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  MDPI

DOI:  10.3390/electronics10040517

Volume Information:  Volume 10, Issue 4