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Computer Science with Cognitive Computing Interdisciplinary Research Journals

Computer Science - Cognitive Computing - Interdisciplinary Journals

Computer Science with Cognitive Computing Interdisciplinary Research Journals

  • Cognitive computing is an interdisciplinary field that utilizes various emerging technologies to analyze a large amount of data generated and solve complicated problems, and aid decision-making.

  • It incorporates computational models and data science technologies based on the neurobiological processes of the brain, cognitive sciences, and psychology to address real-world engineering problems and challenges.

  • Cognitive computing has been reflected in a wide range of applications in the real world, such as Cyber security, education, banking and finance, healthcare, and many others.

  • Several leading journals publish new pioneering interdisciplinary platforms with current practices and future trends in cognitive computing.

  • This list provides top-ranking journals in cognitive computing with high impact factor, cite score, Scientific Journal Rank (SJR), and H-Index. This list also reviews cognitive computing approaches and recent trends on cognitive embedded data technologies.

List of High Impact Factor Journals in Cognitive Computing