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Leadning Transportation Computer Science Interdisciplinary Journals with Impact Factor

Computer Science – Transportation - Interdisciplinary Journals

Leadning Transportation Computer Science Interdisciplinary Journals with Impact Factor

  • The emergence of information technologies in transportation provides a new pathway for developing and improving transportation systems of all kinds. In particular, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) provides innovative solutions to overcome contemporary transportation issues.

  • Information technologies used in transportation include traffic aid systems, security, automatic vehicle identification, location, monitoring systems, and many others.

  • Numerous journals publish research articles with high impact in intelligent transportation systems, original work on intelligent transportation with all topics.

  • These topics include the role of information systems in transportation, vehicle control, routing and scheduling, traveler response to dynamic information, planning for ITS innovations, evaluations of ITS field operational tests, ITS deployment experiences, automated highway systems, vehicle control systems, diffusion of ITS, and tools/software for analysis of ITS.

  • This list of interdisciplinary journals provides the full scope of information technologies used in transportation to meet the needs of today’s world from top leading journals with good impact factor, cite score, Scientific Journal Rank (SJR), and H-Index.

List of High Impact Factor Journals in Transportation Systems