Cooja Simulation for RPL Routing Protocol - Cooja Tutorials
Exercise for RPL Routing Protocol in Cooja Simulator
RPL is a IPv6 based Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks. A Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) are a class of network. Here both routers and their interconnects are constrained devices.(i.e) processing power, memory, and energy consumption.RPL routing based on following principle: Destination Oriented Acyclic Graphs or DODAGs.
Open the Contiki OS with Vmware worksation. An login into Contiki user password: user .
Now open the terminal in contiki desktop and make the right directories to run the cooja simulator tools.
In terminal,
Go to the Directory : cd “/ home / user / contiki / tools / cooja” ----> Press Enter
Give Command in terminal : ant run ------> Press Enter
After successful execution of above command. make file will build automatically and then Contiki Cooja Network simulator application tool will appear. It’s a blue color terminal.
Open file menu on cooja and create new simulation with random seeding it will autogenerate the seeds for every time while you reload the simulation.
File -new simulation (or) (ctrl+ n).
select-Radio medium.
click -New random seed on reload option.
click -Create.
Create motes in cooja.
Open motes menu add motes
>>create new motes type
>> choose mote
Number of motes are available
theyare differs in based
upon yourrequirements you choose
the motes.
Two files are necessary to
runRPL protocols. Inorder to
createthe motes,
Udp-server.c /
To create server motes,
/ home / user / contiki / examples / ipv6 / rpl-udp / udp-server.c
Choose a file location >> compile>> create >> choose sever >> Add motes.
To create client motes
/ home / user / contiki / examples / ipv6 / rpl-udp / udp-client.c
Choose a file in location >> compile >> create >> choose client count(30) >> Add motes.
to run the cooja simulator tools.
In, network terminal View menu -choose the options you want,
For example: mote Type, mote ID’s,radio traffic,etc..