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A method based on encryption and node rating for securing the RPL protocol communications in the IoT ecosystem - 2021

A Method Based On Encryption And Node Rating For Securing The RPL Protocol Communications In The IoT Ecosystem

Research Area:  Internet of Things


Internet of Things (IoT) provides the possibility for milliards of devices throughout the world to communicate with each other, and data are collected autonomously. The big data generated by the devices should be managed securely. Due to security challenges, like malicious nodes, many approaches cannot respond to these concerns. In this paper, a robust hybrid method, including encryption, is used as an efficient approach for resolving the Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) protocol concerns so that the devices are connected securely. Therefore, the proposed Detection of sinkholes in RPL (DSH-RPL) method for securing the RPL protocol comprises the four following phases: the first phase creates a reliable RPL. The second phase detects the sinkhole attack. The third phase quarantines the detected malicious node, and the fourth phase transmits data through encryption. The simulation results show that the DSH-RPL reduces the false-positive rate more than 18.2% and 23.1% and reduces the false-negative rate more than 16.1% and 22.78% and it also increases the packet delivery rate more than 19.68% and 25.32% and increases the detection rate more than 26% and 31% compared to SecTrust-RPL and IBOOS-RPL.


Author(s) Name:  Mina Zaminkar,Fateme Sarkohaki,Reza Fotohi

Journal name:  International Journal of Communication Systems

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Wiley

DOI:  10.1002/dac.4693

Volume Information:  Volume34, Issue3 February 2021