Research Area:  Internet of Things
Increase in mobile nodes has brought new challenges to IoT’s routing protocol-RPL. Mobile nodes (MN) bring new possibilities as well as challenges to the network. MN creates frequent route disruption, energy loss and increases end-to-end delay in the network. This could be solved by improving RPL to react faster to route failures through route prediction, while keeping energy expenditure for this process in reasonable limits. In this context a new Mobility Energy and Queue Aware-RPL (MEQA-RPL) is proposed that have the capability to sense route failure and to identify proactively the next possible route before the current route fails. While identifying the next route, MEQA-RPL employs constraint check on energy and queue availability to guarantee QoS for MN and better lifetime for the network. When compared to RPL with mobility support our model reduce average signaling cost by 31%, handover delay by 32% and improve packet delivery ratio by 17%. We run simulations with multiple mobile nodes which have also shown promising results on aforementioned parameters.
Author(s) Name:  Robin Cyriaca, M.A. Saleem Durai
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Publisher name:  Europe PMC
DOI:  10.21203/
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