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A Secure IoT enabled Pure Sine Wave Inverter using Payload Encryption Of MQTT Protocol - 2021

A Secure IoT enabled Pure Sine Wave Inverter using Payload Encryption Of MQTT Protocol

Research Area:  Internet of Things


The design of the secure internet of things (IoT)-based single phase pure sine wave inverter using payload encryption of message queuing telemetry transport protocol is presented here. The inverter is developed by H-bridge architecture and sinusoidal pulse width modulation technology. The inverter has low harmonic contents and a simplistic structure than available conventional technologies. The output voltage and frequency of the inverter are 220V and 50Hz. The new IoT and cloud computing technology, by providing continuous monitoring, sharing data, and optimum control in a smart grid environment, would probably revolutionize the standard inverter system. Since this type of inverter is always connected to the internet, there are growing concerns and challenges of cybersecurity safety issues. The paper discusses how payload encryption could be used to potentially ensure connectivity and data protection of the inverter. To verify the final output, the inverter simulation is done in MATLAB/SIMULINK, and the proposed payload encryption is performed by Python programming.


Author(s) Name:  Nasim Ahmed; Ziaur Rahman Khan

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  Ural-Siberian Smart Energy Conference (USSEC)

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/USSEC53120.2021.9655737

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