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A Survey on Internet of Things:Architecture,Enabling Technologies,Security and Privacy,and Applications - 2017

A Survey On Internet Of Things:Architecture,Enabling Technologies,Security And Privacy,And Applications

Research Area:  Internet of Things


Fog/edge computing has been proposed to be integrated with Internet of Things (IoT) to enable computing services devices deployed at network edge, aiming to improve the users experience and resilience of the services in case of failures. With the advantage of distributed architecture and close to end-users, fog/edge computing can provide faster response and greater quality of service for IoT applications. Thus, fog/edge computing-based IoT becomes future infrastructure on IoT development. To develop fog/edge computing-based IoT infrastructure, the architecture, enabling techniques, and issues related to IoT should be investigated first, and then the integration of fog/edge computing and IoT should be explored. To this end, this paper conducts a comprehensive overview of IoT with respect to system architecture, enabling technologies, security and privacy issues, and present the integration of fog/edge computing and IoT, and applications. Particularly, this paper first explores the relationship between cyber-physical systems and IoT, both of which play important roles in realizing an intelligent cyber-physical world. Then, existing architectures, enabling technologies, and security and privacy issues in IoT are presented to enhance the understanding of the state of the art IoT development. To investigate the fog/edge computing-based IoT, this paper also investigate the relationship between IoT and fog/edge computing, and discuss issues in fog/edge computing-based IoT. Finally, several applications, including the smart grid, smart transportation, and smart cities, are presented to demonstrate how fog/edge computing-based IoT to be implemented in real-world applications.


Author(s) Name:  Jie Lin; Wei Yu; Nan Zhang; Xinyu Yang; Hanlin Zhang; Wei Zhao

Journal name:   IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:   10.1109/JIOT.2017.2683200

Volume Information:  ( Volume: 4, Issue: 5, Oct. 2017) Page(s): 1125 - 1142