Research Area:  Internet of Things
The development of technology brought an exponential evolution of IoT networks, and with a number of different devices connected to the Internet, meaning, more IP addresses, traffic and devices susceptible to attacks. These types of networks are characterized by their interoperability and low resources, making it a complex ecosystem and making it difficult to implement management and monitoring measures, leading to a lack of security. Considering the impact that IoT networks have on the market, their protection is essential and, is now one of the themes in constant evolution. With the focus on security, this work aims to characterize a CoAP and CoAPS signatures, through the analysis of a flow in a test scenario and recognize the types of messages of the signature and what is their impact on the network and later creating rules that could help an IDS, in order to save resources and time. When analyzing the flows, it was concluded that it is possible to identify some characteristics of a signature, such as identifying Confirmable and Non-Confirmable messages.
Author(s) Name:  Luís Canuto; Leonel Santos; Leandro Vieira; Ramiro Gonçalves; Carlos Rabadâo
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Conferrence name:  14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
Publisher name:  IEEE
DOI:  10.23919/CISTI.2019.8760759
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