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Computer Science and Business Management Interdisciplinary Research Journals

Computer Science - Business Management - Interdisciplinary Journals

Computer Science and Business Management Interdisciplinary Research Journals

  • In recent years, business organizations have become heavily dependent on information technology services. Computer science enables the business to monitor and manage the coordination and organization of business activities.

  • Business Management is concerned with using computer models for planning and forecasting economic conditions for business.

  • Numerous leading journals publish peripheral areas of Computer science developments in the Business management domain and describe the state-of-the-art technology from leading publishers.

  • This list of interdisciplinary journals aims to provide publications in Business Management with high impact factor, Cite Score, Scientific Journal Rank (SJR), and H-Index. It also bridges the gap between theoretical computer science and its practical applications in business management.

List of High Impact Factor Business Management and Computer Science Interdisciplinary Journals