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How to integrate the .c file in contiki using cooja simulation?

Integrate the .c file in contiki using cooja simulation

Steps for integrate the .c file in contiki using cooja simulation

  • Description:
    The programming on Contiki is done using the Cooja network simulator, in which the base libraries of RFID chips and sensors are available in C. To program, control and monitor the remote IoT devices, the back-end C programs and related header files can be customized and recompiled to get the desired results.To know about how to integrate the .c file in contiki source Makefile using cooja simulator.
Source code
  • Step 1: Open at location: home/user/contiki/examples/er-rest-examples
    Here the coap examples are available in contiki and locate Makefile open it.
    For example .c file integrate into source file.
  • PROJECT_SOURCEFILES += filename.c // add here .c file
    Integrate into source file
  • Step 2: Open cooja simulator
    cd contiki/tools/cooja >> ant run
    Create new simulation(ctrl+n).
  • Open cooja simulator