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Attribute Based Trust Evaluation for Secure RPL Protocol in IoT Environment - 2019

Attribute Based Trust Evaluation For Secure RPL Protocol In IoT Environment

Research Area:  Internet of Things


Internet of Things (IoT) is an advanced automation technology and analytics systems which connected physical objects that have access through the Internet and have their unique flexibility and an ability to be suitable for any environment. There are some critical applications like smart health care system, in which the data collection, sharing and routing through IoT has to be handled in sensitive way. The IPv6 Routing Protocol for LL(Low-power and Lossy) networks (RPL) is the routing protocols to ensure reliable data transfer in 6LOWPAN networks. However, RPL is vulnerable to number of security attacks which creates a major impact on energy consumption and memory requirements which is not suitable for energy constraint networks like IoT. This requires secured RPL protocol to be used for critical data transfer. This paper introduces a novel approach of combining a lightweight LBS (Location Based Service) authentication and Attribute Based Trust Evaluation (ABTE). The algorithm has been implemented for smart health care system and analyzed how its perform in the RPL protocol for IoT constrained environments.


Author(s) Name:  R. Yugha; S. Chithra

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ViTECoN)

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/ViTECoN.2019.8899506

Volume Information: