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Securing RPL using Network Coding: The Chained Secure Mode (CSM) - 2021

Securing RPL Using Network Coding: The Chained Secure Mode (Csm)

Research Area:  Internet of Things


Considered the preferred routing protocol for many Internet of Things (IoT) networks, the rpl incorporates three security modes to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the routing process: the umrpl, psmrpl, and the asmrpl. Both psmrpl and asmrpl were originally designed to protect against external routing attacks, in addition to some replay attacks (through an optional replay protection mechanism). However, recent research showed that rpl, even when it operates in psmrpl, is still vulnerable to many routing attacks, both internal and external. In this paper, a novel secure mode for rpl, the csmrpl, is proposed using the concept of intra-flow nc. The csmrpl is designed to enhance rpl-s resiliency and mitigation capability against replay attacks. In addition, csmrpl allows the integration with external security measures such as ids. An evaluation of the proposed csmrpl, from a security and performance point of view, was conducted and compared against rpl in umrpl and psmrpl (with and without the optional replay protection) under several routing attacks: the na, wh, and ca, using average pdr, e2e latency, and power consumption as metrics. It showed that csmrpl has better performance and more enhanced security than both the umrpl and psmrpl with the replay protection while mitigating both the na and wh attacks and significantly reducing the effect of the ca in the investigated scenarios.


Author(s) Name:  Ahmed Raoof; Chung-Horng Lung; Ashraf Matrawy

Journal name:  IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/JIOT.2021.3109109

Volume Information:  Page(s): 1 - 1