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Implementation of M2M-IoT Smart Building System Using Blynk App - 2021

Implementation Of M2m-IoT Smart Building System Using Blynk App

Research Area:  Internet of Things


Machine-to-machine (M2M) and the internet of things (IoT) have brought a massive surge of smart connected devices that will enable new services and applications. In this paper, we present the implementation of these emerging technologies in the “Smart building”, one of its most popular usages. Our proposed solution represents a complete system for M2M-IoT-based smart building that collects information from heterogeneous communication technologies (Ethernet, Bluetooth, and GSM). We design the M2M-IoT-based smart building using Arduino UNO as a microcontroller unit, shields (Ethernet W5100, SIM800L, and Bluetooth HC-06) as the wireless communications, and Blynk App as a local server that provides the ability to control the building remotely via Ethernet/Bluetooth connectivity and mobile networks like 4G or 5G. One of the most important results of this work is the success in creating a model of a smart building system based on M2M-IoT that accomplishes several services such as smart parking, lighting control, gas and fire detection, and climate control. All these services are implemented to control the building remotely, ensure safety and comfort, as well as energy-saving by using efficacy and cheap components.


Author(s) Name:  Rania Djehaiche, Salih Aidel & Nasir Saeed

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic System

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/978-3-030-92038-8_44

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