"Neighbor Discovery Optimizations for 6LoWPAN networks" (6LoWPAN ND) adapts IPv6 ND for operations over energy-constrained LLNs.To access the variable during neighbor list access, it is appended in the neighbor address.
open a file at location
handle the neighbor address in rpl.
uip_ds6_nbr_add(const uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr, const uip_lladdr_t *lladdr, uint8_t isrouter, uint8_t state, int recvcount) {
// each node neighbor address maintained
for(nbr1= nbr_table_head(ds6_neighbors); nbr1 != NULL; nbr1 = nbr_table_next(ds6_neighbors, nbr1)) {
nbr_id1 = &nbr1->ipaddr;
Recvcount = nbr1->nb_recvc; // received Count Accessed from neighbor address