How to Launch the Global Repair in RPL using Contiki Cooja Simulator?
Launch the Global Repair in RPL using Contiki Cooja Simulator
It’s an indirect attack, it Occurs when malicious node publishes a higher version number of a DODAG tree.This repair take place when network inconsistent can’t be repaired by local repair mechanisms. It’s triggered by the DODAG root incrementing the DODAG version number to initiate a new DODAG version.
Open a file to modify at location: Home / user / contiki / core / net / rpl / rpl-icmp6.c -
controls the input
and output for RPL control messages.
in this function to force a mote to send DIO messages with
higher DAG version.
if (node_id == root) {
dag->version++ ;
Instead of dag->versionadd above code
To incremented version and provoke global repair.
When version number is increasing automatically it will call global repair function which is predefined in following location.
Contiki / core / net / rpl / rpl-dag.c
Create a simulation in cooja.New
To create motes choose the
files at following
location:Home / user / contiki /
examples / ipv6 / rpl-udp
udp-server.c, udp-client.c >>
Run the simulation.
When root increasing the dag version, that case global repair occurred.