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Leading IEEE Computer Science Journals with Impact Factor

IEEE - Computer Science Journals

Leading IEEE Computer Science Journals with Impact Factor

  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is the largest technical and professional organization in the world dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of society.

  • IEEE is a not-for-profit organization, and its members inspire the global research community by publishing highly cited publications, technology standards, conferences, and professional and educational activities.

  • As a not-for-profit organization, IEEE is a global association and organization of professionals working toward developing, implementing, and maintaining technology-centered products and services.

  • IEEE journals publish a large number of high-quality research articles, which create a significant impact among researchers worldwide.

  • It produces considerable literature in electrical and electronics engineering, computer science, and engineering, publishing approximately 200 peer-reviewed journals and magazines.

  • IEEE journals have a good impact factor, cite score, and H-index in electrical and electronics engineering, telecommunications, and other technical fields.

  • IEEE publishing Leading articles with cite scores and an active portfolio of nearly 1,200 standards and more than 900 projects under development.

High Impact Factor Computer Science Journals in IEEE